Banning Ranch Revised Findings on February Agenda

The Coastal Commission, at a hearing at the Newport Beach Civic Center, on February 9 2017, 9 am, will vote on the revised findings from the September 7 2016 hearing (where the proposed NBR project was denied on a 9-1 vote).

This procedure, which is routine after the Coastal Commission takes most actions, will enter the conclusions and other revised findings resulting from the September 7 hearing into the official record.

The item is 12a and the revised staff findings can be found at

Banning Ranch Oil Consolidation Approved

At the December hearing in Ventura the Commission approved the Oil Consolidation CDP.

The development proposal that was denied is in litigation. The developer sued the Coastal Commission. There is separate litigation over the original city approval of the project, which is now before the California Supreme Court. A ruling is expected in the next few months.